Sunday, March 8, 2009

Itunes University

Itunes is a new way for educators at universities to stay connected to their students through the itunes website. Universities around the world, like Carnegie Mellon and Stanford University, are able to post lectures and assignments at Itunes University for students to download to their ipods or personal computers. Because of the advances of technology, students can study and learn no matter where they are.

And as a teacher, it is our duty to keep up with the changes our world is going through technologically. Students are increasingly bored with learning the "old fashion" way. So teachers have to come up with new ideas and ways to keep education interesting. And that was the goal of Duke University when they incorporated using ipods into their classrooms.

Itunes University has made information to be easily accessible for students. Itunes is a 24/7 website and it offers a variety of educational content from top colleges/universities and educational organizations. It is very helpful for those students who may have missed lectures to stay on track with the rest of the class by downloading the lectures or notes, video clips, and/or podcasts from their particular school. And it is a lot more interesting than sitting at a desk taking notes. So hopefully, more teachers and/or schools will become aware of this new technological epidemic because today's students are all about technology!

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